Core Care Plans
Core Care Plans enable the sharing of care plans between all carers responsible for a patient. Using the simple and clear interface, GPs or HCPs in other places of care can access the latest plan for each patient with the ability to easily update or create a new plan pre-populated with information from the patient’s GP record. On creation or amendment of a plan, all updates can be saved back to the GP patient record so the completeness and integrity of the GP patient record is maintained at all times.
User Guides
- How to log on using Pyrusium
- How to log on using a web browser
- SMSP Patient Retrieval
- Creating records outside of the GP practice
- Creating a record within a GP practice
- Transferring in records
- Adding New Users
- Choosing a strong password
- Data Privacy Impact Assessment
- EMIS - Updating GP Details
- EPaCCS Template and Readcodes
- How do I get started?
- Activate the Partner Product - EMIS Web (per workstation)
- Alternative identity providers for Core Care Plans
- API configuration for EMIS (per user)
- API configuration for SystmOne (per user)
- API configuration for Vision (per user)
- Authentication, authorisation and security in Core