Patient Retrieval
Spine Mini Services Provider (SMSP) is used within Black Pear products to identify patients and ensure the correct patient is being used when viewing or recording information.
1. Log in to your service
2. Click the Find Patient button:
3. Enter patient criteria and click the Search button as follows:
- Either: Surname, Date of Birth and Gender - shown in red boxes below
- Or: NHS no and Date of Birth - shown in blue boxes below
Additional criteria can be provided to narrow down the search results
4. All patients matching your entered criteria will be returned from the SMSP service. Select the required patient from the list:
Data Quality
You may discover discrepancies in your local records for example:
- the records returned do not match the entered criteria
- there are multiple records with the same NHS no
- you see a message regarding superseded NHS
Where this occurs, you need to notify your back-office staff of a potential discrepancy so they can decide what to do and whether they need to request an update to National Systems.