How to log on using a web browser

Steve Reay -

This will show you how to access the Core Care Plans via a web browser.

Most users will have their own preference with regards to the web browser they use. Some prefer Chrome others like Internet Explorer or Microsoft’s latest explorer called Edge.

For this guide we will use Microsoft Edge as it’s the default browser for Windows 10.

1. Open your web browser:


2. In the address bar enter the following web address:

(Alternatively, you can click the link above, and it will direct you to the Black Pear login page)



3. Once you’ve entered the web address press return.  This will take you to the Black Pear login page:


4. Now enter your username and password and you will then see the main dashboard.


5. From the main dashboard select your Core Care Plan icon, this will take you to the Core Care Plan page where you can begin checking a patient form.


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