Creating records outside of the GP practice

Tiffany Hodkinson -


  1. Users belong to an organisation who are configured to use SMSP to verify the identity of the patient
  2. pyrusConnect has been configured so clinical information can be pulled from the practice to populate the form


To Create a Record:

  1. Using a modern browser e.g Internet Explorer v10+ or Chrome, browse to
  2. Login using your Black Pear credentials
  3. Click the blue find button to bring up the search criteria:



4. Complete the criteria to the patient you wish to create a record for:


Valid combinations include:

  • Family Name, Birthdate and Gender
  • NHS no and Birthdate


5. Select your patient from the list

6. Click the plus button next to the form you wish to create:


7. Populate the form as required and save as normal


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