Records can be created via two different routes:
1) In Pyrusium: Black Pear assumes that the organisation that creates the record is the patient's registered practice.
2) In a browser with SMSP configured: the GP practice that SMSP identifies as the patient's registered practice is the one that Black Pear will use as the patient's registered practice.
Transferring a patient in
Where a form is retrieved in Pyrusium by an organisation other than the patient's registered practice (as defined above), the following message will be displayed:
To transfer the record into your organisation, click the OK button. Going forward all notifications pertaining to this form will be sent to your organisation.
If there is more than one form, you will need to view each form and accept the form in to your clinical system. Forms will display the Needs GP Review tag:
Amending the form without transferring in
Should you wish to amend the form but are not the patient's registered GP practice, click the Cancel button:
This will allow you to update the form and notifications will go back to the patient's GP practice.