It is possible to launch a Care Plan in a browser for the currently open patient in SystmOne, without the need for an additional login. To configure this, please follow the steps below and remember to contact our support team if you require any assistance throughout this process.
- Step 4 requires you to add in encryption keys which need to be agreed with Black Pear.
- Step 6 requires a KeyID which also needs to be agreed with Black Pear.
1) Within SystmOne, go to the menu option URL & Program Maintenance. This option is generally located here:
Setup > Mobile Working & Integration > URL & Program Maintenance
But for some organisations, it may be located here:
Setup > Users & Policy > URL & Program Maintenance
2) Click on the New URL button.
3) Complete the Name, Icon, Description and Launch In fields as appropriate for your service but we recommend using:
Name: Black Pear Core
Icon: Your preference
Description: Launch Black Pear Core for Shared Plans and Forms
Launch In: Default Browser
Please note, if you are still using Internet Explorer then selecting Chrome for the Launch In option is required as Internet Explorer is no longer supported.
4) Tick the option for Encrypt Parameters and add your Key and IV values which should have been provided by Black Pear (please contact us if you are unsure of these values).
5) Click the Amend Field button to start building your URL
6) Within the Text field, enter the URL below:
And then click OK.
7) Click the Add Field button to add the next field
8) From within the list of field types, choose Organisation ID
9) The Organisation ID should now be present. Check the Encrypted option for this row.
10) Click the Add Field button again to add the next field and again choose a Text field. In the text field, add a hyphen (-) as shown below. Then click OK.
11) Click the Add Field button again and select SystmOne username. Click OK and then check the Encrypted box. Your fields should currently look like this:
12) Click the Add Field button again to add the next field and again choose a Text field. In the text field, add a hyphen (-) as shown below. Then click OK.
13) Click the Add Field button again and select User Role Profile Code. Click OK and then check the Encrypted box. Your fields should currently look like this:
14) Click the Add Field button again to add the next field and again choose a Text field. In the text field, add a hyphen (-) as shown below. Then click OK.
15) Click the Add Field button again and select Patient NHS Number. Choose to format the NHS number without spaces by clicking the Without Spaces button.
16) Then check the Encrypted box for this row. Your fields should currently look like this:
17) Click the Add Field button again to add the next field and again choose a Text field. In the text field, add a hyphen (-) as shown below. Then click OK.
18) Click the Add Field button again and select Patient Date of Birth. Select Date Format CCYY-MM-DD and then click OK.
19) Then check the Encrypted box for this row. Your fields should currently look like this:
20) Click the Add Field button again to add the next field and again choose a Text field. In the text field, add a hyphen (-) as shown below. Then click OK.
21) Click the Add Field button again and select Timestamp. The Format should not be changed but the Timezone should be changed to UTC. Then click OK.
22) Then check the Encrypted box for this row. Your fields should currently look like this:
23) Click OK to save the URL. You may wish to click the Test button first to ensure that eSP is launched as far as possible
24) Click the Publish URL button for the icon of your choice to appear
25) Select the appropriate level of publishing and click the OK button
26) Click Yes to publish as required
To launch eSP using the URL configured in this article, refer to Launch Care Plans