Responder Installation - Scripted

Michael Barrow -

Black Pear Software pyrusconnect-responder is a node.js application that interacts with TPP SystmOne clinical system via its desktop API.  It must be deployed to a dedicated Microsoft Windows unattended workstation, or preferably a server, alongside the TPP SystmOne clinical system.

To ensure a connection to TPP SystmOne the Gateway must be running at all times and when not in use SystmOne can be locked. 

The pyrusconnect-responder runs as a Windows service under the LOCALSYSTEM account (if required, a specific user account may be assigned to the service after installing).  Installation will require elevated privileges.

Please note: If you are performing an upgrade to the Responder the link to this can be found Here.


Purpose of the Script

Current methods of installing the PyrusConnect responder entail the following to be completed manually:-

  • Installation of NodeJS
  • Extraction of the PyrusConnect Responder service and configuration files to the C:\node directory
  • Setting the username, password, and queue name within the C:\node\pyrusconnect-responder\config\default.config file
  • Installation of the service

The manual process to perform the installation can be found Here

Due to the majority of the IT Services, Administrator privileges are required to perform the above actions.

To resolve this and to aid with the installation a VBScript has been wrote which will hopefully make the installation easier and improve the installation times.

Additionally previously the Administrator username and password are required numerous times. Using the script will require this information once.



  • Microsoft Windows 10 or above, hardware specification to support the clinical system
  • .Net Framework 4.5
  • .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) to be enabled
  • TPP SystmOne
  • It is important to have Time Zone set to London with Daylight Saving. Regional settings, language and date format set to English (UK) - ensure settings are copied to system accounts by clicking Copy settings from the Administrative tab
  • The service must have a network route to on port 5671 (CIDR RANGE
  • Users of the SystmOne Gateway must have the following permissions:-
    • Retrieves Patients - Can retrieve and view active patient records
    • Saves Records - Can save new data to patients records

Execution of the script

To utilise the script the following files are required and to be downloaded to C:\ResponderInst:-

NOTE: Should you be required to download the files to an alternative directory please DO NOT add the files to a path with spaces. For example, C:\Responderinst\Responder Install\



Once the above files are available on the workstation the ResponderInstall.vbs can be executed to which the following input box should be displayed. Simply enter the Administrators username/ password and click YES once complete:-


NOTE: This should request for the Username and password. The above is an example from an environment not on a domain.


(2) Once complete you will be presented with an input box, simply enter the path where the installation files are located. In this case C:\ResponderInst. It is recommended that the same installation path is also used on all sites. Once complete click “OK


(3) Once OK has been clicked the NodeJS Installation process will being.



(4) Now that NodeJS has been installed the will be extracted to C:\node. If the C:\node directory does not exist it will be created:-



(5) Once complete, the script will grant full Permissions to the C:\node directory and copy the C:\node\ node.exe.config to C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs. This is to fix a dependency issue.


Now the files have been extracted the service will be configured ready to be installed.

To complete this, the input boxes for Username, Password and Queue Name must be inserted into the relevant boxes. This information should have been provided to you by a member of Black Pear:

Please note that all values within this guide are examples


(6) The first input box will be to enter the username. Once the username has been entered click OK:-


(7) You should now be prompt for the password for the service. Simply enter the password and click OK:-


(8) Once complete you will now be required to enter the Queue Name. Enter the Queue Name and click OK:-


(Note: usually the formatting of the queue names is ha_tpp_project_ODScode. For example for Humber Coast and Vale Responders this will be ha_tpp_hcv_A12345)


(9) Once the Queue Name has been entered the service will now be installed to which you should now see the following window displayed. :-


NOTE: It has been noted that on some installations the above step may fail. The batch file that has been ran will also be created within the Executing directory. For example. C:\ResponderInst\SVCInst.Bat.

Running this batch file as Administrator should execute without issues.


(10) To check if the service has been installed successfully check the Services list via Task Manager or Services.msc. Either method should list the pyrusconnectresponder.exe with a status of Running:-




(11) Email requesting a connection test giving details of the practice and contact details if required.


After Installation

1) Log in to SystmOne on the Gateway workstation. Users must have the following permissions to allow all functionality of the API to work:

  • Retrieves Patients - Can retrieve and view active patient records
  • Saves Records - Can save new data to patients records
  • View Deducted Patients - Can retrieve deducted patient Records

Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 17.42.43.png

2) The user will need to supply permission to use the SystmOne API.  On the first request being sent via the SystmOne responder, a dialog box will appear on the gateway to allow the user to click Approve. This approval must occur within 30 seconds of a request being sent to the API.  A pre-arranged time can be agreed at the customer's convenience.

3) Where multiple user accounts are used on the SystmOne gateway, each one will need to go through the approval stage in step 2.

Additional notes:

  • once logged in fully, SystmOne can be locked for security when unattended without affecting the API.
  • smart cards are not a pre-requisite for API use. Where they are used, SystmOne can be locked and smart cards removed when unattended without impacting the API.



After a minute or so ensure the Windows service is still running.  

Check log files in C:\node\pyrusconnect-responder\ for any errors, also check the daemon subfolder for an error log. 

Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact our Black Pear Engineers via email

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