SystmOne Responder troubleshooting for new installations

Tiffany Hodkinson -

Faults exhibit as no responder queue being visible within the Black Pear infrastructure:

1. Check the responder service is running

2. If there is no responder service, recheck the prerequisites and each step of the installation process:

3. Check the following log files for errors:

  • C:\node\pyrusconnect-responder\clinicalLibraryResponder.errors.log
  • C:\node\pyrusconnect-responder\daemon\pyrusconnectresponder.err

4. Check the content of c:\node\pyrusconnect-responder\config\default.json:

"logging": {
"level": "error"
"clinicalSystemQueue": {
"address": [
"requestQueue":"queue name"
"windowsService" : {
"name": "pyrusConnectResponder"
  • items highlighted in green must be as agreed with Black Pear
  • quotes must also be checked and potentially replaced by editing in notepad

5. Check the responder is using the latest version: c:\node\pyrusconnect-responder\package.json

6. Check whether Black Pear can see the responder and if not, run telnet 5671 from a command prompt


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