To Launch a Patient
1) Open the patient you wish to retrieve within SystmOne
2) Click on the icon to launch Black Pear Core Care Plans. Below are samples of what these may look like:
Sample 1: click the designated icon
Sample 2: click the EPaCCS (With Patient Retrieved) link
3) This will open the login box within the specified browser. Enter your Black Pear credentials and click the arrow button
The Black Pear service will launch with the patient currently open in SystmOne
To Create a Record
1. Click the plus button next to the form you wish to create (or the eye button if a form already exists):
2. For EPaCCS, there are three mandatory fields you have to complete:
2.1 Consent or basis for disclosure box - select the appropriate value:
2.2 Diagnosis field - either use the drop down arrow to retrieve the list of problems from the GP practice or click on the browser button to enter your own diagnosis. None of the other fields within this sub-form are mandatory so once the diagnosis is completed, you may click the Save button.
2.3 CPR decision - enter the appropriate value if know. If not known, enter Cancel to exit out of this subform.
If a DNACPR is in place, then you will need to complete the remainder of this subform. Click the Save button:
3. At this stage the form its entirety will be displayed. Populate fields as required. Once finished click the Save button in the bottom right hand corner.
4. This will display the screen to save to the clinical system and the central repository. Click the Save button:
By saving the record, this will post straight back to the patient's GP record. The record will be available for 111, the Acute Trust and Community Carers. An ambulance form is also automatically generated if the CPR decision was completed.