1. If a launch from an existing clinical system has been configured, jump to step 9. Otherwise, using a modern browser, Internet Explorer v10 or above, or Chrome etc, browse to: https://pyrusapps.blackpear.com (DO NOT USE PYRUSIUM)
2. A login box will appear. Please enter your Black Pear credentials and click the arrow at the bottom of the login box:
3. Your landing page will appear. Click on the GP Patient Record icon:
4. If you work at multiple organisations, you will be prompted to select the organisation for whom you are working for during this login:
5. The dashboard will appear. Click the Find Patient button to the right hand side:
6. Enter some criteria for the patient and then click the Search button:
7. Choose the patient's GP practice you wish to retrieve the record from:
8. A list of patients matching the criteria will be displayed. Click the patient you require:
9. Click the View (eye) patient record button at the right hand side of the page next to Live record:
10. Depending on how the service has been configured, you may see a disclosure reason box:
11. Click the Done button or Cancel to exit. On clicking Done this will post a note to the GP clinical system with the disclosure note. Where an email address has been configured, an email will also be sent to the practice to notify them that a record has been pulled:
12. The viewer will appear. Click on the appropriate tabs to browse:
13. To exit the record, click the Back to Current Patient in the top left hand corner:
NOTE: If there is a practice missing or a link to an existing practice is failing to pull back the patient record, please contact Black Pear at support@blackpear.com