Viewing audit events

Tiffany Hodkinson -

The audit capability is available to authorised users only.  It provides a detailed view of every interaction with Core Care Plans so that individual user actions can be accounted for.

1. Where appropriate permission is in place, you will see the option to view Audit Events at the top of the Pyrusium window.  Click the Click here text to view:



2. Click on the Audit Events tab: 



3. By default, the audit screen will complete the audit period for the last week:



4. It is advisable to complete one or more of the following boxes in order for the search to complete in a timely manner:

  • Location: enter the ODS (NACS) code of the organisation you wish to see results for
  • User: enter the username (email address) of the user you wish to see results for
  • Patient: enter the NHS no for the patient you wish to see results for (enter this without spaces)

Once the criteria has been completed, click the Load Audit Events button:


5. Sample results will look like this:


For more information, click on the line to expand.  RESTful operations are interactions with an HL7 FHIR API.  For more information on how to interpret these results see the FHIR specification here:








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