Notifications: Changes to Care Plans (no pyrusConnect)

Tiffany Hodkinson -

This process describes what happens when a shared care record is changed outside of the practice where the practice is not connected to a pyrusConnect service or the pyrusConnect connection is failing.  (Please note, where there is a pyrusConnect service in use, Black Pear check for failing connections on a daily basis.  On detecting a failure, you will be contacted by a member of our support team to arrange for this to be fixed.)

A shared plan can not be updated at the GP practice until any external changes have been accepted back to the GP record.


To Accept Changed Records:

1. When a carer from outside of a GP practice updates any element of the record, the patient's GP practice will receive an email notification to that effect:


2. On receipt of this email, GP practices should go to the Black Pear service within Pyrusium.  A message will display at the top of the screen to indicate there is a record to review.  Click on the Click here link to view these records:



3. Review each of your outstanding records by clicking the Review button next to each record:


4. This will display the updated form for each patient.  Where a section has been updated this will show with a blue tick.  Updated data elements will show in a blue box:




5. Without adjusting the form, click the Save button at the bottom of the form.

6. Click the Accept button to save the record back to the GP clinical system:



Please note:

If you do not go into the dashboard and you retrieve a patient record where the record has changed you may see Needs GP Review alongside the form.  Click this link and it will take you to step 4 above:






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