List of patients under care

Tiffany Hodkinson -

Viewing the Patient List

1. Click the Click here to see the dashboard option displayed at the top of the window: 



2. On the dashboard, click on the Patients Under Care tab:



3. GP practices will see a list of all registered patients that have been saved to the central repository.  Other organisations will see the list of patients that they have built up (see Adding a Patient):



4. To view a patient and the status of their plans, highlight the patient and click the View patient button:


Adding a Patient

For organisations who do not own records e.g. care homes, hospices or community teams, a list of patients that the team care for can be built up.

1. On the Patients Under Care tab, click the Add patient button:


2. Enter appropriate search criteria.  (When searching inside Pyrusium, the source of patients will be the clinical system.  If in a browser, a PDS lookup on to Spine Mini Services will be used):


Removing a Patient

For organisations who do not own records e.g. care homes, hospices or community teams, a patient can be removed from the list.

1. Click the Remove patient button:


2. Click Remove Patient on the confirmation message:



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