Pyrusium error - status 500 - Cannot connect to EMIS - user credentials required

Tiffany Hodkinson -

This error tends to indicate an issue with the EMIS API.  To check:

1) Within EMIS, go to System Tools - EMAS Manager 
2) Click Partner API on LHS and highlight myhealthfile 
3) Ensure Activate Application is ticked 
4) Click the Edit Users button and select yourself in the list. Ensure you are ticked and click the Change Password link. 
5) Change the API password. You do not need to remember this - it is used internally between systems. 
6) Click the Login Access button and select yourself in the list. Ensure Auto Login and Allow Login is ticked. 
7) Retry logging into Pyrusium.  To activate the partner product, use your EMIS login and password (NOT the API password that you have just reset).

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