Managed SystmOne Responders

Dunmail -

Black Pear can provide hosted and managed SystmOne Responder instances where the customer is not able to do so themselves. The SystmOne Responder is an Amazon EC2 virtual machine running TPP SystmOne and the SystmOne Responder service. Black Pear monitor the instance to ensure that it's running and apply any updates that are required to Windows, SystmOne or the Responder service.

The Responder instances run in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud within the AWS London Region. Deployed to a private subnet and protected by robust firewalls, there is no external network access to these instances. They are able to connect to TPP infrastructure on HSCN via a dedicated VPN provided by Redcentric.

Black Pear operates an ISO27001 certified Information Security Management System that meets the requirements of NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit. Administrator access to the instances is restricted to authorised Black Pear staff authenticated using multi-factor authentication. Access is permitted only for investigation and resolution of technical problems; in practice, they are not routinely accessed. All administrator access is logged in AWS CloudTrail so that there is full audit of access; additionally, AWS GuardDuty provides continuous AI-powered monitoring of activity to flag up suspicious patterns of access. 


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