Choosing where to download documents using your web browser

John Wade -

When downloading documents via a web browser, the download location may vary depending on the current browser settings. This article describes how to configure your browser so that you are asked where you would like to download documents using the file explorer dialog.

Using the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers

Please note: Google Chrome only shows the settings below to users who have set up a profile. If you do not see the options below Chrome should ask where to download files to every time.

1. Click on the settings button (3 vertical dots) and then choose 'Settings' from the menu shown below.


2. Next, click on the 'Downloads' option on the left and select the option 'Ask where to save each file before downloading'. If required, you may also click the 'Change' button to choose and set a specific folder where every downloaded file is to be saved.


Using the Firefox browser

1. Click on the settings button (3 horizontal lines) and then choose 'Settings' from the menu shown below.

2. Next, scroll down through the options until you reach the 'Downloads' section where you can tick the box for 'Always ask you where to save files'. If required, you may also click the 'Choose' button to choose and set a specific folder where every downloaded file is to be saved.


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