How to check if multiple users are logged onto a workstation

Michael Barrow -


In some cases when users “Hot Swap” workstations (Multiple users use the same workstation) this can cause an Error 500 when logging into Pyrusium.

The reason for this is that when another user is logged onto the workstation whilst also having an active Emis process Pyrusium can detect that there is numerous Emis instances running.

This causes Pyrusium not to be able to detect which Emis instance to connect to.



To start close Pyrusium and Emis or TPP SystmOne.


Once complete it will be best to disconnect or sign the others users out of the workstation. This should remove any Emis processes that the user has open.

The following guide should assist with this:-


To start Open Task manager, Right click on an empty space on the task bar at the bottom of your screen and click on Task Manager.



With Task Manager now open click on the More details link


Once More Details has been clicked this should display further information within the Task Manager window. Click the Users tab and right click on any users that are NOT your user and click Sign Off.




You should now be presented with a message if you would like to continue. If you are sure you would like to continue signing the user out click Sign Out User


Once complete you should now see that the user which you have signed out no longer is listed.

Now log back into Emis or TPP SystmOne, then login into Pyrusium, you should now find that there are no further issues.

If the issue still persists restart the workstation and try logging into the Clinical system and Pyrusium again.


If still the issue is still existent this could be due to a configuration issue with Pyrusium to which the Black Pear Support will need to investigate. This can be done by contacting our support team via email (

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