Resolving PyrusiumSwitcher: Requiring elevated permissions (UAC)

Michael Barrow -


In some cases when starting the Pyrusium Switcher the user is required to enter an Administrator username and password to elevate the permissions.


This is due to the logged on user not having the permission to execute certain executable files that require modification of files within a directory.


To resolve this issue complete the following:

  • Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Blackpear Software
  • Give Domain Users Modify Permissions to the Pyrusium directory that is shown within the BlackPear Software directory.
  • Now enter the Pyrusium directory, create a new text file and open the new file.
  • With the text file paste the following into the file:-
    cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" C:\Progra~2\BlackP~1\Pyrusium\Pyrusi~1.exe" and save.
  • Rename the text file to NonAdminPyrusiumSwitcher.bat (You maybe required to show File extensions within Folder options).
  • Once done, test the file is working by simply executing the batch file. You should see that the Pyrusium Switcher now starts without prompting for Administrator credentials.


Now that the batch file has been tested you can create a shortcut on the desktop and change the Icon so that it appears to be the Pyrusium Switcher. To complete this:-

  • Right click on the newly created NonAdminPyrusiumSwitcher.bat, goto Send To -> Desktop (Create Shortcut)
  • Now on your desktop Locate the NonAdminPyrusiumSwitcher - Shortcut and Right click on the file and goto Properties.
  • On the Properties window goto the Shortcut tab and click Change Icon, Upon doing so the following warning will be displayed. Simply click OK

  • On the Change Icon window click Browse and browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Blackpear Software\Pyrusium
  • Select the Pyrusium.exe from the list of files and click Open
  • You should now see that the Pyrusium Icon is shown in the change Icon window, Click OK
  • Once done, goto the General Tab on the Properties window.
  • At the top of the General tab you can now change the name of the shortcut. Change this to be Pyrusium Switcher and Click OK.
  • You should now see that the icon has changed and is labeled as Pyrusium Switcher.
  • Test to ensure all is working.
  • To save confusion, Remove the shortcut for the previous Pyrusium Switcher that requires Administrator elevation.


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