Resolving ‘GET Active Session failed - EMISWeb does not recognise dates in dd/MM/yyyy format’

Steve Reay -


After a windows 10 upgrade the user may encounter the following error when attempting to login to Pyrusium.



To resolve this the user or support staff will need to do the following.

 1.   On the toolbar click the Windows logo and select Settings


2.   This will display the Windows Settings screen, on here select the Time & Language option.


3.   Now you will see the Date & time view, on this screen select Language from the side menu.


4.   Now the Language view will be displayed, you will see that there are two languages visible. You will likely see English (United States) and English (United Kingdom).


5.   You are now going to go through the process of removing the English (United States) option.

First of all, you need to select English (United States) by clicking on it.

Once it’s selected you will see that some options become visible. You first of all need to demote the English (United States) by selecting the Down arrow.


6.   You should now see that English (United States) language option is now beneath the English (United Kingdom).

You should also see that the Remove option has now become active. Select Remove.


7.   You should see that the English (United States) language option has now gone altogether.

8.   If you now attempt to login to Pyrusium you should no longer see the error message and you should be able to access the application as normal.

Please be aware that this action may need to be carried out for each user that logs in to Windows

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