Checking appointments - Hub

Tiffany Hodkinson -

A small amount of work is required by administrators at the hub where access to Pyrusium is required.

1. Go to the inbound appointment list.  Appointments with crosses or exclamation marks require action:


2. For slots with crosses:

2.1 Click the View button:


2.2 Using the displayed details, check the following within the clinical system:

  • patient is showing within the session list
  • patient address within the clinical system is up to date
  • the clinical précis has been imported into the clinical system. This will display in the consultation list

2.3 Once you are satisfied the patient is appearing within the clinical system and that the clinical précis is available for the clinician, click the Checked clinical system button and click Close. This will change the cross to a green tick.


3. For slots with exclamation marks,

3.1 Click the View button:


3.2 Once the following screen is displayed, use the demographic details to register the patient within EMIS. After the patient has been registered within the clinical system, click the Complete Booking button:


3.3 Click the Yes button to confirm that the patient has been registered. This will change the exclamation mark to a green tick:



4. As patients arrive for their consultation, the appointment slots are updated as usual within EMIS Web or SystmOne.  Patients must be marked as Left on the day of the appointment in order for the referring GP practice to pick up the consultation outcomes.

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