EPaCCS - Using Pyrusium

James Harley -


Black Pear Core (formerly eSP - Electronic Shared Plans) is the system that runs the EPaCCS (Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination Systems) service.  Black Pear Core is now a GPSoC listed service which means it is now centrally funded.  The Contract for EPaCCS was renewed through GPSoC on Sep 20th 2018 for all Worcestershire CCGs so all GP Surgeries can continue to use this service.

All GP Practices should already have completed most of the tasks within the checklist below as part of the deployment in 2016.  However you may have new users or users who have forgotten their Black Pear password.  Contact the Black Pear support desk to request new licenses.  Forgotten passwords can be reset from the Pyrusium login box.

You may also be interested to look at the latest usage stats by practice attached at the bottom.


  1. Renew EPaCCS licenses via tracking database - https://nww.tdb.nhs.uk/IFHTracking - this has been completed by the CSU
  2. Activate Black Pear Pyrusium in EMIS Web (EMAS Manager)
  3. Activate Black Pear Core in EMIS Web (EMAS Manager)
  4. Enable users to use the EMIS Partner APIs and set an API password (EMAS Manager)
  5. Set up Login Access for Pyrusium & Core in EMIS Web (EMAS Manager)
  6. Register users for Black Pear Core access - support@blackpear.com or james.harley2@nhs.net 
  7. Install Pyrusium on workstations (will need National Code and EMIS CDB number)
  8. Activate Pyrusium on workstation
  9. Login to Pyrusium with email and password (activate Single Sign On)

All GP Practices in Worcestershire should have both Black Pear Core and Black Pear Pyrusium activated in the Partner API within EMIS Web:

Partner API.png

Any GP Surgery user wishing to use EPaCCS must have their accounts enabled to use Partner API's.


NOTE: Users already using other Partner API's such as Docman will already have this enabled.  The Partner API password set within the EMAS Manager will be used to activate the link between Black Pear and EMIS.  You do NOT need to remember this password - you will never be prompted for it.  It is used internally between the systems.

and have for both Auto Login and Allow Login checked for both Black Pear Core and Black Pear Pryusium  API's too:

Core Login.png

Pyrusium Login.PNG


Users must also have their name assigned to a License.  To get a license please contact Black Pear by email at support@blackpear.com.  For a new license request for a new user they will need:

  • Practice name and NACS code (i.e. M81041)
  • Service Name. - eSP - WWC EPaCCS
  • Users name and email address

The Pyrusium App will also need to be installed on the workstation where EPaCCS will be accessed.  The Pyrusium App can be downloaded from here:


To install Pyrusium you will need your practice NACS code (i.e. M81041) and EMIS Organisation Code (i.e 18650).  The Installation Guide for Pyrusium can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. 

Managing EPaCCS Care Plans

Once installed, make sure you are logged into EMIS Web first and only have one instance running and then open Pyrusium.  If it's the first time it has been open on that workstation you will be prompted to activate it (only required once for a workstation). 


Use your Emis credentials (making sure the account has been enabled for the Partner API's in EMIS first).

The user will then be prompted for their email address and password set up by Black Pear:


Once logged in the user will see the EPaCCS App:


The user will then open a patient in EMIS Web and then open the EPaCCS App which will automatically pull through the active EMIS Patient:


NOTE: The above screenshot is of a NHS Spine Dummy patient

The user can then create or amend the available Shared Plans for the active patient.  Refer to the Operational Policy below for more guidance.

IMPORTANT: If more than 1 user is using the same workstation please ensure you logout of Pyrusium to disable Single Sign On.

Pyrusium Switcher

If a user at a practice accesses more than one EMIS instance, then they can use Pyrusium Switcher to switch the config to match the EMIS instance.  See attached document below for more information. 

NOTE: Where a user accesses more than one EMIS instance their Black Pear account must reflect this i.e. If they have been assigned a license for Practice A with Black Pear, they will not automatically get access to Practice B.  They would need to email Black Pear support to get access to Practice B and so on.

Best Practice?

If you look at the attached statistics you'll see Upton Medical Centre have more than double EPaCCS forms from the other GP Practices.  They have a long standing monthly gold standards meeting run by a GP partner with a special interest in palliative care. This meeting is attended by all GPs at the practice and the District nurse team, St Richards nurse and practice nurses- in all can be up to 20 people in attendance.

They discuss all red and amber patients plus any evolving patients. This meeting is minuted by a Medical Secretary who is responsible for updating black pear after the meeting.

TIP: To search for all your patients that have an EPaCCS record, search on the code 8CMb in Emis

EPaCCS Notification and Amendments

When an EPaCCS form is created or amended both 111 and the West Midlands Ambulance Service get live notifications.  For 111, the form is sent directly to Adastra (the clinical system 111 use) and staff are notified on the dashboard, for WMAS the form is emailed to the CAD team (there will soon be direct integration with WMAS clinical system Cleric).  Below is an example of an EPaCCS form (using a test patient).  The one on the right shows updates that are highlighted yellow:


This video below demonstrates Black Pear's End of Life care plan integrated with Adastra software for use in Out of Hours, NHS 111, Walk-in Centres and Urgent Care Centres.

Staff at Care Homes, Residential Home and Hospices can read and amend a patients EPaCCS form by simply using a web browser and going to https://pyrusapps.blackpear.com/.  

The staff will have to have Black Pear (eSP) accounts set up and given permissions to access patients records at a GP Practice.  If Staff at the Care Homes, Residential Home and Hospices update the EPaCCS record the patients GP Practice is notified and are prompted to update the record on EMIS.

Any health provider can access and EPaCCS record through a web browser such as hospitals, pharmacies, etc... 

The diagram below demonstrates how the Integrated Share Care Plan can work across all health providers:



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