EPaCCS - Web Browser

James Harley -

This Knowledge Base describes how clinicians working at Hospitals, Care Homes, Hospices, etc, can access, amend and create EPaCCS records for their patients.

IMPORTANT: Clinicians must have a Black Pear User account before they can access the Black Pear eSP system that will give them access to the EPaCCS App - please email support@blackpear.com to either create a new account or amend an account such as a password reset.

For a new license request for a new user they will need:

  • Organisation Name (i.e. St Richard's Hospice, Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust)
  • Service Name. - eSP - WWC EPaCCS
  • Users full name and email address
  • Access Level - Read, Read/Write, Read/Write/Create

Open a modern Web Browser (must be connected to HSCN/N3) and enter the address - https://pyrusapps.blackpear.com - you will be presented with the Black Pear Login page:


Enter your Black Pear credentials.

If you have been given access to the service you will see the EPACCS App:


The user will get prompted to which organisation they are working from: 


Select the correct organisation and then click on Done.

The organisation Landing page will be displayed:



Click on the Search Glass and enter the patients details:


If the details are correct the patient should be listed.  Click on the patient:


If the patient has any Shared Plans they will be displayed with a number next to it:


Click on the View/Edit Icon (Icon of an eye) to the right of the record.  The Shared Plan will be displayed:


The Shared Plan can now be viewed or updated.

If the Shared Plan is updated a notification will be sent to the patients GP Practice (where it will be updated on EMIS):


111 and Out of Hours will be notified of an update in Adastra, West Midlands Ambulance Service in Cleric and Worcester Royal in OASIS.

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