How to log in to the SIDeR Shared Care Record – non GP Setting

Michael Barrow -



There are two ways to log in – either through a configured contextual launch from within the user’s clinical system, or directly using a browser.

Contextual launch

  1. User is working in their clinical system (CrossCare, TrakCare etc)
  2. User is looking at a specific patient record
  3. User clicks on the link button to the SIDeR Shared Care Record as configured within their clinical system
  4. User is taken into the SIDeR Shared Care Record
  5. When the SIDeR Shared Care Record link is clicked, this generates an authentication token that is valid for 15 minutes. When there are 5 minutes remaining, an alert is shown to the user, advising them to save any open forms

Launch from a browser

  1. User enters the SIDeR Shared Care Record URL into a browser (Chrome, Firefox etc), or clicks on a SIDeR Shared Care Record icon to launch the pyrusium browser
  2. User is taken to the log-in screen
  3. User clicks on ‘Sign in to SIDeR’

a. If this is the first login during the current live session, the user will be required to re-enter their username and password (the same combination used to log into their Active Directory). Depending on the user’s local password management policy, there may be a password manager tool that can securely store the username and password and paste them in each time as required. Once logged in, the user will be taken to the SIDeR Shared Care Record home screen, from which they can search for the patient they wish to view the Shared Care Record of.

b. If the user has already logged in to Keycloak and has an active session, the user will be taken to the SIDeR Shared Care Record home screen, from which they can search for the patient they wish to view the Shared Care Record of.


4. If the user keeps the SIDeR application open, their session will remain active (for up to a total of ten hours), during which time no further login will be required.

Once this period elapses, they will need to re-enter their username and password. Closing the browser will clear this session, so upon re-opening it will require a new login.


RedHat SSO Authentication
The Sider Shared Care Record uses RedHat’s KeyCloak SSO as an authentication tool, linked to each user’s Active Directory account within their organisation (including GP Practices). This removes the requirement for an additional authentication process to be set up and maintained for all users, and ensures that each organisation retains control of who within their organisation is licensed to use the SIDeR Shared Care Record.

The Active Directories of each partner organisation are synchronised with the SIDeR  authentication system before each organisation goes live on the SIDeR Shared Care Record, with each potential user being assigned the appropriate level of Role Based Access. When a new starter is added to the specific Active Directory, it is the responsibility of the partner organisation to update or re-synchronise the directory with the SIDeR Shared Care Record.

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