How do I get more help?

Tiffany Hodkinson -

We provide a support service so that you can get help with any questions or problems you experience when using Black Pear products. You can send us requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Our engineers work between 9am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) to answer your questions and resolve your problems.

Contact us

We offer a number of different options for you to get help using your Black Pear products so that you can choose the route that is most convenient for you:

Within app | Online | Email

Please don't include sensitive information (such as patient data or passwords) in your messages! 


Within app

Our products allow you to contact us without leaving the app. Choose the 'Support' option from the in-app menu to show the contact form:


Within the description, please describe your problem (e.g. any error message that is displayed). If necessary you can also send file attachments (e.g. screenshots).



You can send a message by completing our online form at:


Within the description, please tell us the product you are using and describe your problem (e.g. any error message that is displayed). If necessary you can send file attachments (e.g. screenshots).

We will respond to the email address you supply so ensure that this is correct.


By email


Within your email, you will need to tell us the organisation you are calling from, the product you are using and the nature of your problem (e.g. any error message that is displayed). If you are using Pyrusium we will also need to know the clinical system you use.

We also provide dedicated email addresses for:

Have more questions? Submit a request


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