AwayFromMyDesk remote access software

Dunmail -

Black Pear staff use 'AwayFromMyDesk - Rescue' remote access software to view and work on customer workstations when assisting with installations and investigating faults.

Key features

  • Software is deployed as a web-browser plugin; this is installed as part of the connection process and removed when the connection is closed.
  • The connection is initiated by the customer, using a one-time secret supplied by the Black Pear engineer.
  • The customer must grant authority to the engineer before they can work on the workstation and has visibility of the screen while the engineer is working. The customer can terminate the connection at any time.
  • All connections are strongly encrypted and routed through UK servers; all actions that are performed on the customer workstation are audited.


Away From My Desk is a specialist managed remote access company supplying both business and government organisations such as the NHS. Their solutions have been developed to conform with the strict rules laid out by NHS Digital's Information Governance Toolkit.

Away From My Desk - IG Tool for Rescue has been specifically developed to make LogMein Rescue comply with the strict rules laid out with in the NHS IG Toolkit. This product adds multi-factor authentication, UK only routing and NHS compliant audit trail logging to the best of breed security features already found in LogMeIn Rescue.

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